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(por @vyktorb)

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(por @vyktorb)

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3956 days ago
Bem observado.

Top 10 Google Play Services Reviews

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I don't know why Google Play Services is an app in Google Play, but some of the reviews are great. It's hard to review a system component that adds support for new APIs, so some of the reviewers got creative.

Here are my favorite reviews:

1. "I was given a Nexus 7 by an old shaman in a yellow poncho. He told me to install this package and sacrifice a living watermelon to Utanapishti, singing the Bollywood rendition of 'Love Train' as an offering of my adulation. Upon completion, all the disease and sickness in my village was cured, and we knew no more sadness. Also, Mark Wahlberg came to visit and gave us all Nexus 7s before he returned to the 8th dimension of Kajiik Masunraht."

2. "After i installed this my screen went from 4.6 inches to 5! I say it was well worth it. But the best part was using my phones NFC as a key for my mustang. I bet it would work on a mercedes, just put it up to the steering wheel and tap it to turn the car on. Don't forget to activate your free netflix subscription!!"

3. "I got a pony, and a car, and unicorn, and a pony, and a leprechaun, and a pot of gold, and a reindeer, and a computer, and a slave, and a Santa, and a genie, and a unlimited wishes voucher, and a pony."

4. "This app has taken over my life. I'm addicted so bad that my wife took the kids and left me! Ooh well, its well worth it woooooooooo"

5. "This game is amazing, if you collect all the frogs, beat the mini game and unlock Knights of the Round once you beat Level 10, (God Mode) there is a bonus level. I beat the bonus boss and my phone suddenly started vibrating and transformed into only what I can imagine is a Samsung Galaxy S 6!"

6. "This app give me an extra Maps to Mordor! And i can take pictures of Nàzgul while in 3D Panoramic Mode. And I can control Curiosity on Mars too! Thank you Google!"

7. "Cannot recommend this enough. Seamless integration with my Atari 2600 and immersive soundtrack. Inspired!"

8. "This is without a doubt the best game on the entire play store. the graphics are beyond console quality and the storyline is better than mo's movies these days. Level 8 is quite impossible though... Anyway, props to Google for a job well done!"

9. "This service of play is the best there is. Beats Apple 5 services which don't play well with anything. Google plays well...very well. So well, they even have this nifty service. All my friends with Android devices use it too. How my life has gotten better with Google Play services ?? Well, for one thing, I don't have to think any more. Google Services reads my mind, and does stuff for me...WELL in advance of when I would have probably done it.... Sends emails, sets reminders, ANSWERS emails before they even arrive! It is so awesome... Actually, this is Google service writing this so my owner didn't have to...... I'm awesome."

10. "Reunited me with my dad 26 years after he said he was going to the store to buy milk and cigarettes."

Another app with many funny reviews is Samsung Push Service. Here's an example: "After 2 months of staring at the divorce papers, I picked up the pen preparing to flush 10 years down the drain. At that moment, the app download it. Screeching tires in my driveway and my wife came running in the house and ripped up the papers. Thank you Samsung, you saved my life."

Any other Google Play apps with funny reviews?
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3985 days ago
Unintentional hilarity.
Orlando, Florida

Jodd v3.4.4

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Jodd is an open-source Java utility library and set of micro frameworks.J odd tools enriches JDK with many powerful and feature rich utilities. It helps with everyday task, makes code more robust and reliable. Jodd frameworks is set of lightweight application frameworks, compact yet powerful.

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4011 days ago
I like the simplicity of this framework. Feeling that old 'new framework passion' from years ago.

Ice Cream Company Knows What You’re Here For: You Want Nutrition? Eat Carrots

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Truth in advertising.

Truth in advertising.

As the saying goes, if you don’t read the amount of calories, fat and sugar contained in a food, none of that counts and you can eat as much of it as you want. Well, that might at least be the mindset behind one Wisconsin ice cream company’s slogan, “You want nutrition? Eat carrots.”

In other words, Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream, straight out of Madison, Wisc., isn’t about to waste your time trying to convince you that ice cream is actually super healthy (unlike the candy industry), so just eat it and enjoy it without ruining the buzz with your bothersome calorie counts.

Instead, these guys really know how to go right for the gut (mmm, cream). And while they’re darn proud about their unabashed pride in their product, for those health sticklers out there intent on taking the joy out of dessert, the company website does include nutritional info. Bothersome legal regulations!

Consumerist reader David snapped this pic of a Chocolate Shoppe truck in the wild, so of course we had to check in with the company and make sure the image was legit. Not only is it the real deal, but the very pleasant fellow I spoke with on the phone rattled off the entire spiel verbatim — all from memory. Now that’s dedication.

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4011 days ago
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4009 days ago
Ice Cream company: "You want nutrition, eat carrots." Awesome.
4011 days ago
4011 days ago
ÜT: 40.673477,-73.975108
4011 days ago
I follow a Twitter account called @RealCarrotFacts that will now make me think of this ice cream.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
4011 days ago
The best part of this is that Chocolate Shoppe truly is INCREDIBLE ice cream.
Aurora, IL